Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wake Up The Matrix Has You

Hello Everyone,
Someone sent me this message and I remember having this kind of discussion in our room Paltalk. As well as one of my closest friends, has the same stand, she was telling me: she watched videos, read documents that proof this statement's true. She also discussed this issue with her Pal friends in their own room and they seems to be convinced on the idea of what this message is stating. Usually, I do not post message like this but I just want to share it with you all.

Part#1 Follow the white rabbit

AIDS is man made and thanks to a brilliant Dr by the name of Dr Boyd Graves and Dr Leonard Horowitz we have the proof and can prove it. Did you know 8 out 10 people of color already believe that aids was man made even with out proof. Why is that ? Because you don't have to be a Dr or a scientist to know things don't add up. In the words of my Brother Kanye West (If Magic Johnson got a cure for aids and all the poor people passed away) Now many of you have not done enough research for to start at the very beginning. So let's start from where we can prove it is man made with our governments documents. Now the key word here is Government documents this is not a 9-11 conspiracy theory that is open for debate this is our own governments document and one by one I will break it down to all of you. Let's start on June 9 1969 when the US Pentagon went before congress and asked for 10 million dollars to create a synthetic bio logical agent that would deplete the defense system to allow for the on sight of a infectious disease. How do we know this we have the documents to prove it's called Hr 15090 watch the video below. I also wanted to point out 10 years after they asked for the money we had the virus that we now call HIV and Aids.

Now let's fast forward to January 1971 why this date? you may ask because this is when President Nixon aka Tricky Nixy as he was called announced his campaign to find a cure for cancer he made plan to invest over 100 million dollars to find a cure. Now something else happen that same year October 1971 the Army's Fort Detrick, Maryland, biological warfare facility was converted to a cancer research center, eventually becoming the Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. They would start what would be called The Us Special Virus Cancer Program. Now there is one issue here that I want everybody to be aware of because by law this program had to produce progress reports. The first report released was progress report#8 now how can there be a number 8 if this was the first year of the program. The answer is it was not the first year and they have been working on this cancer program for years and thanks to the freedom of Information act Dr graves along with other research went back to the library and found the missing progress reports that shows the blue print of HIV/Aids not just a document saying they made it but a blue print of how they put it together. The program originally started in 1962 and ended in 1978. It shows in the progress report that they created the ESP-1 virus compared under a microscope this virus is identical to HIV/ Aids. It also shows that they have successful created a biological agent that would deplete the body defense system know someone tell me what HIV does to your body?

Now I want everyone reading this to put on there detective hats right now we are going to solve aids. I believe it was Sherlock Holmes who said if you eliminate the illogical the only thing remaining will be the truth no matter how none logical it seems. So what do we know about aids there are four hiv virus we only deal with the main ones in the US. We were told that a African and a monkey did something sexually that started aids.Than that person did something with a women and passed it on this is what we were told.. Now I want you guys to keep that in mind when I make this next point. Now a group of Dr and scientist from all over the world researched HIV/Aids to find out what it was with the hopes of finding a cure. Now all of these Dr from all over the world and here in the US concluded 29% of hiv is made up of a Icelandic sheep disease called Visna only found in Iceland. Now lets pause it right there and go back to what we were told about HIV and how it came to be. So the monkey that carried the virus took a flight to Iceland had sex with a sheep infected with Visna caught a plane back to Africa in time to infect the African with Aids? lol !! Now ask your self this question if Monkeys where really where aids came from why are there still monkeys living. What happen did the monkeys do what we did started practicing safe sex? Is that why we have not seen a mass death rate in monkeys like there is with black people or people of color. Aids never came from a monkey it was tested on them yes but it never came from them. In the progress reports of the Us Special Virus Program it show them testing Visna with a monkey virus Ironically after Dr Graves went public with this information Chapter#10 of that progress report was taken out of the world data base library but its ok he had made copies so we still have the original documents. Now what all of you have to understand when you read this is all of this is public information you can go to the world data base library and type in the Us Special Virus Program and view the documents before they delete all of it.

Why Part#1

Now in the movie the Matrix, Morpheus said this to Neo before he gave him the red pill, "All I'm offering you is the truth". Let's all take the red pill. Dr. Graves knew that if he was going to prove Aids is man made he could not build a case on speculation. He knew that if he testified along with other doctors and scientist on the stand that their credibility would be attacked and disputed. All kinds of court room magic would take place to install doubt. But if you put forth our own government documents to prove this AIDS was created by our government. Then there would be no room for doubt and no cross examination. Now, in a murder trail you have to show proof and motive to convict someone of murder. And that's just what we intend to do. So we now know Aid's and HIV is man made, but why? Keep in mind when we are talking about government documents that you can google anything I have told you and research it for your self. It's all public information. Next, let's journey back into time to March 16, 1970 where Richard Nixon states: "In the United States effort to 'stabilize the population of Sub-Saharan Africa' and thus, increase the national security of future United States, Nixon proclaims there would be 'explosive events' (relative to John D. Rockefeller, IIIs oversight on the problem of African overpopulation. Now the key word I want everyone to focus on is Overpopulation. Not only does he say there is a need to stabilize the African population he signs it in to law. How do we know this; well we have the documents to prove it. It is U.S. Public Law 91-213. So let me break that down for those of you who missed that. President Nixon signed into law a plan to stabilize the African population.


Why !!!
Now what if I walked up to you on the street and told you that the US has plans to kill Africans and poor countries all over the world so that they can take over their natural resources. Let's be honest, everyone of you would look at me like I was crazy.I would react the exact same way. Now what if I told you I have the proof and the government documents to prove it. You can Google this document, it is called "N.S.M 200". Take a minute and read through it. To summarize all the fancy talk, it says that if we can decrease the population off the third worlds ie Africa, India etc.. what would be left is their natural resources for us. Now, let's stop right here. Does anyone know where aids has the highest population in the world? Most of you would guess Africa, but it's actually India, then Africa. All of third world countries have the highest population for Aids. How many of you have heard the name ,HENRY A. KISSINGER. If you have been keeping up with the media you would have seen him along with David Rockefeller showing their support and predicting the election for president Obama. What you might not know is that HENRY A. KISSINGER is the same person who wrote the NSM 200 in April of 1974.

Why !!!

I need everyone reading this to put their detective hats back on and let's get to work.
We now have researched that in 1970 President Nixon signed in to law a plan to stabilize the African population because of over population. We also know Nixon appointed HENRY A. KISSINGER who in 1974 wrote N.S.M.200, a plan to depopulate the third world as a plan to take over third world countries' natural resources. What you don't know is that this very same year a group of World Nations now called the United Nations met in Bucharest, Romania for what they called a World Population Reduction Meeting. Once again, all of this is public record. Now let's pause right here and ask yourself this question, "How do you reduce a population?" There are only two ways to do this in either a mass increase in the death rate or a mass decrease in the birth rate. The sad part of this is some African leaders were at this meeting and they all agreed to comb their population. (Pause) Does anyone know what happens in China if a family has more than one child? Per Chinese Law, the second baby is aborted (meaning killed), the man is forced to a vasectomy and the family gets a big fine. Now, this is where it gets thick. In 1979 was the first time in world history when an outbreak of aids occurred in two spots at the same time. One in Africa and another epidemic in gay men in New York City. How is that you may ask? The answer is it cant happen naturally. What you don't know is our government recruited 1086 promiscuous homosexual men to take an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine from 1979 to the early eighties. All 1086 men died of Aids. How do we know this, there are governement contracts showing reports of this experimental vaccine . Please google the Hepatitis B Manhattan project for your personal research. This is very important because the government can say they did not know that the vaccines where contaminated with Aids. Than why in their contract are they recruiting promiscuous homosexual males; as these are the exact words used on the reports and contracts. They could have recruited anyone including non promiscuous men or woman. I want everyone to think about the word promiscuous and what it means. Now, how do we know it was our government who put aids in the vaccine. Well some off the families of the 1086 men got up enough courage and sued our government and settlements where issued with gag orders (Meaning they cannot go public with any information in reference to this experimental vaccine). Why would the government prevent people from talking about this information unless they had something to hide.You can pull up the case files and see they won the law suits.

Here is all the proof share it with your friends and love ones

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missing Blogging

I miss my blog sersiouly, I'm going to be active from now on :))

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Top 5 Foods for Beautiful Skin

5. Seafood
Active components:
Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc

Benefits: S
mooth, clear and glowing skin

Most of us have heard that fish can be really good for your overall health -- it's a primary component in what's known as the "Mediterranean diet." Many types of fish and shellfish can also work wonders for the skin, especially oysters and fatty fish like salmon.

The primary nutrients that make fish so good for your complexion are zinc and, especially, omega-3 fatty acids. Increasing omega-3 intake can reduce dryness and inflammation. Inflammation can cause skin to age faster, and research shows that getting too little omega-3 may contribute to inflammatory disorders like eczema and psoriasis [source: UMMC]. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help keep the heart's arteries clear and so improve circulation. Good circulation is crucial to skin health.

Zinc can help fight acne because it's involved in metabolizing testosterone, which affects the production of an oily substance caused sebum, a primary cause of acne. Zinc also assists in new-cell production and the sloughing off of dead skin, which gives the skin a nice glow [source: Self]. You'll also find these benefits in flaxseed oil and walnuts.

4. Citrus Fruits

Active component: Vitamin C

Benefits: Smooth and taut skin

Vitamin C is a prime skin-care ingredient in tons of beauty creams. This vitamin aids in the body's production of collagen, a protein that forms the basic structure of your skin [source: Discovery Health]. Collagen breakdown, which starts speeding up significantly around the age of 35, can leave your skin saggy [source: RealAge]. Consuming extra vitamin C in foods like oranges, grapefruits, Acerola cherries (a single Acerola has 100 percent of your vitamin C for the day) and tomatoes can help tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Vitamin C also may fight inflammation, and its antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals (highly reactive oxygen molecules) that damage cells and can prematurely age your face.

In case you get tired of eating all that fruit, hot peppers, bell peppers and sprouts also have good amounts of vitamin C.

3. Red and Green Vegetables
Active components:
Vitamin A, beta-carotene

Benefits: Bright and smooth skin

Skin is the body's largest organ. It makes sense, then, that what's good for your whole body is also good for your skin -- and as far as food goes, it doesn't get much better than vegetables. You'll especially want to look for red-orange and green vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Orange-red vegetables are full of beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant, preventing cell damage and premature aging. In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti-acne benefits -- vitamin A has been used in acne medications (think Retin-A) for many years.

Spinach and other green, leafy foods provide tons of vitamin A, too, which helps your skin produce more fresh new cells and get rid of the old ones, reducing dryness and keeping your face looking bright and young.

Mangoes are also a great source of vitamin A. It's best to get this vitamin from food and not from supplements, though, since too much vitamin A can cause health problems [source: iV].

2. Nuts

Active component: Vitamin E

Benefits: Young and soft skin

As with many of the skin-healthy foods on our list, the good stuff in nuts -- especially almonds -- has to do with antioxidant activity. Vitamin E combats skin-aging free radicals, especially protecting skin from sun damage due to UV-sunlight-generated free radicals [source: Self]. Vitamin E also tends to help skin hold in moisture, relieving dryness and making skin look younger.

Pairing vitamin E with selenium can enhance its antioxidant abilities, so go ahead and throw some almonds into your cottage cheese (great source of selenium) for a skin-revitalizing snack [source: LifeScript].

Almonds, pistachios and walnuts also provide a nice supply of omega-3 fatty acids, another great skin nutrient.

1. Whole Grains
Active components: Rutin and B-vitamins

Benefits: Clear and moisturized skin

The "whole food" movement has whole-body advantages, not the least of which is great-looking skin.

Whole foods are basically unprocessed -- whole wheat bread instead of white bread, for instance. The whole grain buckwheat is a good source for the antioxidant rutin, which helps combat inflammation-related skin damage. Wheat germ provides the B-vitamin biotin, which assists cells in processing fats. If you don't have enough biotin in your body, your skin can become dry and scaly.

In general, whole grains instead of processed carbohydrates can improve your complexion. Processed (or refined) flours can cause an insulin spike, which in turn can encourage acne. Replacing your refined-flour pancakes with buckwheat pancakes is a good acne-reducing move. Incidentally, this would also help reduce your risk of developing diabetes [source: MedicineNet].

Not into buckwheat? Avocadoes and mushrooms can provide similar benefits.

Now, while oranges, buckwheat, oysters, spinach and almonds are great foods for your skin, achieving great-looking skin through dietary changes doesn't have to be so specific. A healthy body means healthy skin. Just feed your body good, healthy foods, get some exercise and keep your stress low, and your skin will reap the benefits.

source: Howstuffworks

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Teddy Afro Ethiopian Singer is free today

Ethiopian famous singer, Teddy Afro (Tewodros Kassahun), released from jail (today) on Thursday, Aug 13, 2009 after serving 18 months of a two-year sentence for hit-and-run.

Teddy Afro pleaded guilty in BMW hit-and-run accident caused a death of an 18-year-old homeless man in Addis abeba, Ethiopia in 2007.

Ethiopia Television (ETV) News stated he was freed early because of good behavior are taken into consideration.

When Teddy walked out of jail, he smiled and said how happy he is to be free, and he added he has met a lot of good people and learned a lot from the experience.

Abesha Care Team.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Supermodel Liya Kebede

This is Raee, the beautiful 2-year-old daughter of the beautiful Liya Kebede.

Turns out that Liya has decided that she is not busy enough as a mother, model and activist. She has designed a line of children's clothing called Lemlem ("to bloom" in Amharic) and the clothes are handmade in Ethiopia.

Liya Kebede is a supermodel with a mission. Born in 1980 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Liya was discovered while in school (Lycee Guebre Mariam school) and introduced her to a French modeling agent. When she finished school, Liya moved to France where her career took off.

Kebede's big break came when Tom Ford asked her for an exclusive contract for his Gucci Fall/Winter 2000 fashion show. Liya has been on the covers of Italian, Japanese, French and Spanish Vogue. She's also been featured in ads for Gap, Yves Saint-Laurent, Emanuel Ungaro and Dolce & Gabbana. She's also walked the runway for Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga, Gucci, Anna Sui and Zac Posen. In 2003, she is the first black model to become the face of Estee Lauder in the company's 59-year history. In 2007, Liya was the eleventh highest paid top model of the World's 15 Top-Earning Supermodels, according to Forbes.

In 2005, Liya was appointed as WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. She also has her own foundation dedicated to reducing maternal newborn and child mortality and improving the health of mothers and children around the globe.
Andandy ysew leg eta fantaw yet endemiyadersew aytawekem aydel? :)
Bulleted List
more Liya Kebede's hot fashion pictures.

Scientists Decode Entire HIV Genome

[Medical News]A team of US scientists has for the first time unravelled the entire genetic code of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, paving the way for a better understanding of how these types of viruses infect humans and hopefully speeding up the discovery and development of new drugs.

The work was done by Dr Kevin Weeks, a chemistry professor of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, and colleagues, and features as the cover story of the 6 August issue of Nature.

Before this work, researchers had only modelled small regions of the HIV genome, which is very large and made of two strands of nearly 10,000 building blocks or nucleotides each.

Viruses like HIV, whose genetic code is carried on RNA (rather than DNA) are harder to unravel because unlike DNA where the code is carried almost entirely in sequential building blocks or nucleotides, RNA folds into complex and intricate three-dimensional patterns that are harder to unravel. Other RNA-based viruses include the flu viruses, hepatitis C, the common cold, some cancer precursors, polio, and many others.

The replication of RNA-based viruses is controlled at many levels, including conserved "structures" of RNA genome, many of which have not been studied in much detail.

The way the HIV encodes proteins is not straightforward either: while there is a correspondence between RNA and a primary sequencing of proteins, there is another level of coding between these "structures" and "inter-domain" loops that connect different parts of HIV proteins.

For the study, the researchers used a high-throughput RNA analyser called SHAPE to examine the architecture of HIV genomes isolated from infectious cultures containing trillions of viral particles.

What they found suggests that the complex RNA structures (which they referred to as "motifs") influenced several steps in the HIV infectivity cycle, in other words they modulated "ribosome elongation to promote native protein folding".

They also found that: "Some simple genome elements previously shown to be important, including the ribosomal gag-pol frameshift stem-loop, are components of larger RNA motifs."

Weeks said in a media statement that:

"There is so much structure in the HIV RNA genome that it almost certainly plays a previously unappreciated role in the expression of the genetic code."

The study could be the key to unlocking the secrets of other RNA genomes in other viruses.

"One approach is to change the RNA sequence and see if the virus notices," said co-author Ronald Swanstrom, from UNC's Linenberger Cancer Center.

"If it doesn't grow as well when you disrupt the virus with mutations, then you know you've mutated or affected something that was important to the virus," he added.

And another important insight that Weeks pointed out was:

"We are also beginning to understand tricks the genome uses to help the virus escape detection by the human host."

"Architecture and secondary structure of an entire HIV-1 RNA genome."
Joseph M. Watts, Kristen K. Dang, Robert J. Gorelick, Christopher W. Leonard, Julian W. Bess Jr, Ronald Swanstrom, Christina L. Burch and & Kevin M. Weeks.
Nature 460, 711 -716 (6 August 2009).
DOI: 10.1038/nature08237

Source: University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

Written by: Catharine Paddock, PhD
Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Scientists Discover New Strain Of HIV Closely Related To Simian Virus

[Medical News] Scientists have discovered a new strain of HIV in a 62-year-old woman from Cameroon that "differs from the three known strains … and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas" according to a study in today's edition of the journal Nature Medicine, AP/Washington Times reports. The study was funded by the NIH and the Tietze Foundation (8/3). "The discovery of this novel HIV-1 lineage highlights the continuing need to watch closely for the emergence of new HIV variants, particularly in western central Africa, the origin of all existing HIV-1 groups," researchers note in the study (Reuters, 8/3). According to the AP/San Francisco Chronicle, the woman had no contact with gorillas or meat from wild animals and "currently shows no signs of AIDS and remains untreated, though she still carries the virus, the researchers said." The article adds, "How widespread this strain is remains to be determined. Researchers said it could be circulating unnoticed in Cameroon or elsewhere."

A separate paper also in today's edition of Nature Medicine, "reports that people with genital herpes remain at increased risk of HIV infection even after the herpes sores have healed and the skin appears normal," according to the AP/Chronicle (Schmid, 8/3).

This information was reprinted from with kind permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. You can view the entire Kaiser Daily U.S. HIV/AIDS Report, search the archives and sign up for email delivery at

© Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 24, 2009

R.I.P Dr. Tilahun Gessesse

Our king, Dr. Tilahun Gessesse, a dominant musical voice, we lost him today April 19 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

I don't know where to start and what to say I might have some things to say some other time but I am very sadden about Tilahun Gessesse right now when I learned his death. He is our hero and the king of habesha music/songs. I am pround of him and want to thank him for all these beautiful songs that he left for us. He would always be remembered and be in our heart.

We Love You Tilhaun and rest in peace.

Tilahun's Funeral at Youtube and there is more there...........

On be half of Abesha Care Team I would like to convey my deepest condolences to Dr. Tilahun Gessesse’s family, friends and to all his fan. May his soul rest in peace.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Paltalk Discussion room

I know it has been a long time since we've opened the room,..
I have been busy in life, work and everything now this Friday, the room is going
to be open and everyone please try to make it.

I really miss talking to you guys :)
Try to come up with some hot topics that we can talk about :)

Talk to you soon guys,


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

R.I.P Haregewoin Teferra

I heard the bad news today, humantirean Haregwoin Tefferra, a mother of many orphan childern, passed away in her home in Ethiopia. As I always do, I reguraly follow up Melissa Fay Greene's Occasional blog. And today when I checked Melissa Fay'S Occasional Blog, I leared the bad news. Melissa stated on her blog that "She felt sick, called for a friend, and died in her bed. I have no more details at this time. I will post here as I learn more."

I remember how the first time I found out about Haregwoin Teferra, I was browsing around and I found this inspiring site/story about Haregewoin Teferra and Melissa Fay Greene herslef. Melissa Fay adopted five kids from Ethiopia and other countries as well. You may check the site and you would love what you see and a beatufil big family. You can even see how the kids adapted to the new environment and grow up fast. They all look so cute :)

I want to convey my deepest condolences to Hargewoin Teferra's family, friends and to all the orphan childern that she has been taking care off. May her soul rest in peace.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

BREAKING the SILENCE: Lifting the Stigma of AIDS in Ethiopia (Amharic version) (2006)

BREAKING the SILENCE: Lifting the Stigma of AIDS in Ethiopia (Amharic version) (2006)

STEPPING FORWARD: Men Teaching and Learning about HIV/AIDS (Amharic version)(2006)

Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant

(CNN) updated 4:51 p.m. EST, Wed February 11, 2009

A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“The patient is fine,” said Dr. Gero Hutter of Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin in Germany. “Today, two years after his transplantation, he is still without any signs of HIV disease and without antiretroviral medication.”

The case was first reported in November, and the new report is the first official publication of the case in a medical journal. Hutter and a team of medical professionals performed the stem cell transplant on the patient, an American living in Germany, to treat the man’s leukemia, not the HIV itself.

However, the team deliberately chose a compatible donor who has a naturally occurring gene mutation that confers resistance to HIV. The mutation cripples a receptor known as CCR5, which is normally found on the surface of T cells, the type of immune system cells attacked by HIV.

The mutation is known as CCR5 delta32 and is found in 1 percent to 3 percent of white populations of European descent.

HIV uses the CCR5 as a co-receptor (in addition to CD4 receptors) to latch on to and ultimately destroy immune system cells. Since the virus can’t gain a foothold on cells that lack CCR5, people who have the mutation have natural protection. (There are other, less common HIV strains that use different co-receptors.)

People who inherit one copy of CCR5 delta32 take longer to get sick or develop AIDS if infected with HIV. People with two copies (one from each parent) may not become infected at all. The stem cell donor had two copies.

While promising, the treatment is unlikely to help the vast majority of people infected with HIV, said Dr. Jay Levy, a professor at the University of California San Francisco, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study. A stem cell transplant is too extreme and too dangerous to be used as a routine treatment, he said.

“About a third of the people die [during such transplants], so it’s just too much of a risk,” Levy said. To perform a stem cell transplant, doctors intentionally destroy a patient’s immune system, leaving the patient vulnerable to infection, and then reintroduce a donor’s stem cells (which are from either bone marrow or blood) in an effort to establish a new, healthy immune system.

Levy also said it’s unlikely that the transplant truly cured the patient in this study. HIV can infect many other types of cells and may be hiding out in the patient’s body to resurface at a later time, he said.

“This type of virus can infect macrophages (another type of white blood cell that expresses CCR5) and other cells, like the brain cells, and it could live a lifetime. But if it can’t spread, you never see it– but it’s there and it could do some damage,” he said. “It’s not the kind of approach that you could say, ‘I’ve cured you.’ I’ve eliminated the virus from your body.” 10 questions to ask a new partner before having sex

Before undergoing the transplant, the patient was also found to be infected with low levels of a type of HIV known as X4, which does not use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells. So it would seem that this virus would still be able to grow and damage immune cells in his body. However, following the transplant, signs of leukemia and HIV were absent.

“There is no really conclusive explanation why we didn’t observe any rebound of HIV,” Hutter said. “This finding is very surprising.”

Hutter noted that one year ago, the patient had a relapse of leukemia and a second transplant from the same donor. The patient experienced complications from the procedure, including temporary liver problems and kidney failure, but they were not unusual and may occur in HIV-negative patients, he said.

Researchers including Hutter agree that the technique should not be used to treat HIV alone. “Some people may say, ‘I want to do it,’” said Levy. A more logical — and potentially safer — approach would be to develop some type of CCR5-disabling gene therapy or treatment that could be directly injected into the body, said Levy.

Less invasive options to alter CCR5 could be on the horizon within the next five years, said Levy. “It’s definitely the wave of the future,” he said. “As we continue to follow this one patient, we will learn a lot.”
One drug that’s currently on the market that blocks CCR5 is called maraviroc (Selzentry). It was first approved in 2007 and is used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gene Therapy Study Shows Method Is Safe, Somewhat Beneficial

February 22, 2009 on 10:20 pm | In Science and Medicine |
Gene Therapy Study Shows Method Is Safe, Somewhat Beneficial, Researchers Report

A study of gene therapy to treat HIV has shown that the treatment is safe and somewhat beneficial — a “major advance” in efforts to combat the virus — researchers said in a study published recently in the journal Nature Medicine, AFP/ reports. According to the researchers, the study — which was headed by Ronald Mitsuyasu of the University of California-Los Angeles — confirms that this avenue of gene therapy in HIV research is a valid approach (AFP/, 2/15). The study involved 74 HIV-positive people, half of whom received blood stem cells that included a molecule, called OZ1, which is designed to block HIV from replicating by targeting two key proteins (BBC News, 2/16). The other half were given a placebo. The study aimed to determine whether the stem cells would survive the body’s immune system and if this would curb the replication of HIV. The researchers found that after 48 weeks, there was no statistical difference between the two groups. However, after 100 weeks, the group that received the RNA enzyme gene had higher levels of CD4+ T cells and low HIV viral loads. The study also showed that the new blood stem cells depleted over time — although DNA tests showing that the modified cells were present in 94% of the gene group at four weeks, this fell to 12% by week 48 and 7% by week 100. According to the researchers, the study’s results showed the treatment was “safe” and modestly effective. Mitsuyasu said that instead of putting the technique through to a Phase III trial, the team plans to modify the technique and introduce new tests on a smaller group of participants. He said the study “gives some hope” to the gene therapy approach as a treatment for HIV and other diseases, such as cancer, adding, “It’s a positive finding for the field and should move the field forward” (AFP/, 2/15).

Mitsuyasu said that the treatment is “not yet as effective or as complete as current antiretroviral therapy in controlling HIV,” although the recent study “did show proof” that using a single gene in an HIV-positive patient’s own blood cells could reduce the spread of the virus. Jo Robinson of the HIV/AIDS organization Terrence Higgins Trust said, “Gene therapy is an exciting area which aims to create a one off treatment for HIV, avoiding the need for people to take daily medication,” adding that the therapy is in its “early days in research terms, so we’re a long way from something like this being on the market.” Robinson said that the new study “has shown some promising results, which definitely warrant further investigation.” Keith Alcorn of the U.K.-based HIV information service NAM added that although the study’s results are “very modest,” the researchers showed “enough of an effect for us to be hopeful that a gene therapy approach to HIV treatment might eventually deliver effective treatments for the disease” (BBC News, 2/16).

Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report

The Ride: Seven Days to end HIV/AIDS

Some of the riders share their stories of their HIV status and their personal reasons for joining The Ride. Watch the video
click here.

Living with HIV and AIDS

Watch the Video

Love Lessons: Perry, Part- 1

Love Lessons: Perry, Part- 2

Love Lessons: Perry, Part-3

Love Lessons: Perry, Part- 4

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Antiretroviral Therapy Highlights From CROI 2009

A Discussion With Joel Gallant, M.D., M.P.H.

By Bonnie Goldman
February 25, 2009

Hello and welcome. This is Bonnie Goldman, Editorial Director of I'm here today with Dr. Joel Gallant. Dr. Gallant has been treating people with HIV since the beginning of the pandemic. He's also a leading HIV researcher and a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md.

The Body

Overall Estimate of People Living With HIV in the U.S. Grows: 21 Percent, Mostly Minorities, Undiagnosed

An Interview With Michael Campsmith, D.D.S., M.P.H.By Bonnie Goldman

My name is Michael Campsmith, and I'm an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] in Atlanta. My group is the HIV incidence and case surveillance branch. I'm presenting at the CROI conference on an analysis of the prevalence of HIV in the United States at the end of 2006, and we're focusing on the percent of persons who are undiagnosed -- who have HIV infection but are undiagnosed.1

If we don't know they're diagnosed, what's the process the CDC uses to arrive at these numbers?

All areas [in the U.S.] are funded to collect surveillance data. They do that at the local level and send that data without personal identifiers to the CDC. We compile national data, and then there's a statistical modeling procedure.
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Wealthy men give women more orgasms

From The Sunday Times
January 18, 2009

Jonathan Leake, Science and Environment Editor
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.

They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.

“Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.

He believes the phenomenon is an “evolutionary adaptation” that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality.

The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers.

However, it fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes.

The female orgasm is the focus of much research because it appears to have no reproductive purpose. Women can become pregnant whatever their pleasure levels.

Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, his co-author, believed, however, that the female orgasm is an evolutionary adaptation that drives women to choose and retain high-quality partners.

He and Nettle tested that idea using data gathered in one of the world’s biggest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partners whose data was the basis for the study.

They found that 121 of these women always had orgasms during sex, while 408 more had them “often”. Another 762 “sometimes” orgasmed while 243 had them rarely or never. Such figures are similar to those for western countries.

There were of course, several factors involved in such differences but, said Pollet, money was one of the main ones.

He said: “Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women’s self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms.”

This is not an effect limited to Chinese women. Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.

David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, who raised this question in his book The Evolution of Desire believes female orgasms have several possible purposes.

“They could promote emotional bonding with a high-quality male or they could serve as a signal that women are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men,” he said. “What those orgasms are saying is ‘I'm extremely loyal, so you should invest in me and my children’."


Monday, January 19, 2009

John Legend's Live Video From Sunday Live Performance (Obama and his family)

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I Have a Dream: MLK Day in New York City

Walking in New York City on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2008, we asked friends and strangers to participate in a project to provoke thought about the words of this famous speech. On its 45th anniversary, Dr. King's message of hope rings as relevant today as it did in 1963.

I love love his speech and the happiest moment and history has been made.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The President-elect's Message on World AIDS Day

President-elect Barack Obama took some time on World AIDS Day to remember the history of the AIDS epidemic and to thank all those who work so hard to stop this epidemic and educate the public.

Friday, January 2, 2009

MySpace Comments

I wish you Health...
I wish you Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart.
I wish you the Beauty of nature...
I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
I wish you Generousity so you may share...
I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.
I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.
Sweet/Abesha Care