Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey guys before I start enjoying my Chocolate I just want to share this with you guys.

For those of us who worry too much not to exceed the daily calories intake and try to stay away from sweet especially on Valentine's day, I have a good news for you guys, consuming chocolate in a daily basis, which gives especially for women a significant amount of health benefits. Study shows one of the benefits is improving or maintaining a healthy sexual drives/function and the other one is improving mood statues.
So enjoy your valentine's day by consuming enough chocolate (especially Dark Chocolate) I love Dark Chocolate :).

Happy Valentine's Day!

......“Chocolate is not like a food, it is like a drug. Women who suffer mood swings as a result of their menstrual cycle may also suffer a dip in their sexual function. I strongly believe eating chocolate may improve their sexual function,” .......
