Wednesday, March 18, 2009

R.I.P Haregewoin Teferra

I heard the bad news today, humantirean Haregwoin Tefferra, a mother of many orphan childern, passed away in her home in Ethiopia. As I always do, I reguraly follow up Melissa Fay Greene's Occasional blog. And today when I checked Melissa Fay'S Occasional Blog, I leared the bad news. Melissa stated on her blog that "She felt sick, called for a friend, and died in her bed. I have no more details at this time. I will post here as I learn more."

I remember how the first time I found out about Haregwoin Teferra, I was browsing around and I found this inspiring site/story about Haregewoin Teferra and Melissa Fay Greene herslef. Melissa Fay adopted five kids from Ethiopia and other countries as well. You may check the site and you would love what you see and a beatufil big family. You can even see how the kids adapted to the new environment and grow up fast. They all look so cute :)

I want to convey my deepest condolences to Hargewoin Teferra's family, friends and to all the orphan childern that she has been taking care off. May her soul rest in peace.

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